Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Immigrants in our own land

Theme: never to late to change

Tone : optimistic at first then serious

Mood : sad, deep, dark, depressing

Literary devices: "we are given overalls like mechanics wear."

Saturday, November 12, 2016


1. I think Emerson would view the 2016 presidential election as embarrassing. However, I think Emerson would suggest we try to unite and deal with what we've got. We have to try and make this country better and the only way we can do that is to be postive and move foward.

2. He would probably suggest we read more books and learn new information each day. Well I think he'd say my career and school goals are pretty much everyone's goals but they're good. He'd advise me to volunteer at various places.

3. Emerson means be yourself by doing what makes you happy instead of trying to please everyone by living up to society's expectations. Be yourself and don't pay attention to what people Mau say or think about you cause you're happy with who you are. We can try to incorporate Emerson's ideas by reevaluating ourselves.

4. I would explain Emerson's ideas to a ten year old by telling him or her to be themselves, it's okay to be a different.

An Earth shattering fart

The story is really good so far. There is a lot of detail bit the paragraphs are short and are easy to understand.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Emerson presentation notes

"The only way to have a friend is to be a friend." Being honest is what gets you friends.
"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself " Only you can make yourself happy.
Let opinions be heard whether they are good or bad.
Don't give up in life, work hard and you can accomplish anything.
You got to do what you have to for yourself, go out there and do you.
"To be great is to be misunderstood." Don't listen to what people say about you .
You can't sit around and wait for happiness, you go to get it for yourself.
"Society is a wave that moves onward but the water of which it is composed does not ." Society is always changing but we don't change who we are.
Never worry about backing up your own ideas and beliefs.
Don't conform to society's expectations.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


My project will be to post quotes from Self Reliance to mind meister.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


In Emerson's essay he speaks about how all of us are unique and can accomplish great things if we believe and trust ourselves. He says it's okay to be different from the people around you and to speak your mind. Don't let anyone hold you back from being you because you are amazing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


1. "Speak your latent conviction and it shall be the universal sense; for the immost in due time becomes the outmost."
Meaning: speak your mind so others can help you out

2. "Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes impression on him, and another none."
Meaning: there are things that make impressions on us, and there are some things that don't make am impression on us.
3. "We but half express ourselves and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents."
Meaning: we don't want to share our full ideas with others because we are afraid of being wrong and being judged
4. "The secret of fortune is joy in our hands."
Meaning: If we find something we enjoy doing and have a passion for it, then we don't see it as work because what we do makes us feel happy
5. "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."
Meaning: We make ourselves happy by doing things for ourselves.

I'm self reliant

"Ne te quaesiveris extra " Latin meaning : do not seek outside yourself or look within

"Nature always wears the colors of the spirit "

What's inside you makes you perceive things differently.

Transcend: to go beyond the limits of

Romantics wrote as people for people.

Gothics pushed the boundary of  limits.

Admonition: lecture or reminder

Monday, October 17, 2016

Literature Analysis #3

The Dead Zone by Stephen King

Vocabulary list #6 sentences

1. There are a lot of memes on the internet.

2. Sally's computer had a virus.

3. The video went viral in two days.

4. Pam has blog, you should go check it out!

5. Type in countries around the world wiki, and it should come up.

6. Put this website name in the URL.

7. It's on the website, go look at it.

8. The website is www.globalwarming.com

9. Look it up on the internet and you'll find what you're looking for.

10.  We have the 2.0 version here.

11.  We are learning the open source way in class.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Vocabulary list #6

1.Meme : element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one to another by imitation.

2. Virus: a piece of code that copies itself and can corrupt the system or destroy data

3. Viral: an image, video, ad, etc.. that is circulated rapidly on the internet.

4. Blog: a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversational style.

5. Wiki: a website that allows collaboration editing of its content and structure by users.

6. URL: uniform resource identifier, the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the world wide web

7. Website: a location connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages on the world wide web

8. Www : the world wide web is a network of online content that is formatted in html and accessed via Htp, term refers to all interlinked Html pages

9. Internet : the global communtication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information
10. 2.0: used to denote a superior more advanced version of an original concept, product,service etc...
11.open source: denoting software for which the original source code is are freely avail

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I speak up when people or animals need help or at least I think they need help. It depends on the situation if my words are kind or not and then, I reflect on what I said and if I was even thinking when I said it. Other than that, I usually stay quiet and keep to myself.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

College/Career Fair

The college/ career fair was very fun. I visited many booths and got a lot of handouts from colleges and possible career choices. Going to this fair reminded me to think about what  I want to do with my life.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Team vocab

The team vocab is about the vocab used to explain the presidential debate. This year's presidental debate was very aggravating. Donald Trump's words were very venomous towards Hilary Clinton. Neither of them were stolid or hypnotizing towards the audience. I really want Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump to dissolve from the presidential election because we won't be able to suspend the transformation the US is about to experience. Donald Trump was constantly accusing Hilary Clinton about her emails. No one anticipated that their arguments would be so weak. When they were arguing I felt that my capillaries were going to burst from anger.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Literature Analysis #2

1. Mattie Cook works at her family's coffee shop and is living a normal life. But then a fever outbreak occurs and I everyone is dying. Matties mother catches the deadly fever so, Mattie and her grandfather are forced to flee the city.
2. The theme of Fever 1793 is about Mattie trying to cope with the fever epidemic and the effects its caused. No matter how hard things got for Mattie she tried to keep a positive attitude.
3. I imagine the author (Laurie Halse Anderson ) sleeping in every morning , and when she goes get up she drinks tea and has toast with fruit. One example that makes me think this is how she portrays the main character Mattie : " I yawned and stretched then snuggled back onto my pillow. A few more minutes rest , that's what I needed." Another example would be: " ugh! Its black coffee bitter as medicine. How can you drink this ?"  The last example is: "... One I could never wear in the street, and snatched a bite of dough from Eliza's bowl before I ran outside."
4. 1st technique : (metaphor) "They both supped sorrow with a big spoon."
2nd technique: (metaphor) "Life was a battle."
3rd technique: (simile) "Bodies are piling up like firewood."
4th technique: (personification) "My stomach took control."
5th technique: (simile) "Mother dove across the room like a hungry hawk."

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Letter to a Mentor draft

Dear Mentor ,

             I would like some help concerning my big question which is, what happens to us when we die? Is heaven real? I know there won't be an exact answe, but I'd love your help understanding some theories on the afterlife.
                              Angelina Herrera

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Vocabulary fall list #5

1. Venomous : capable of injecting venom by bites or stings

2. Stolid : calm, dependable, showing little emotion

3. Hypnotized: produce a state of hypnosis in someone or capture the attention of someone

4. Suspended: temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force
 5. Transformed : make a thorough or dramatic change in form

6. Accuse: claim that someone has done something wrong

7. Anticipate: expect or predict

8. Fringe: border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material

9. Melancholy: a feeling of sadness , no obvious cause

10. Earnestly : resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction

11. Dissolve : close down or dismiss

12. Aggravate: make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious

13. Illuminate: light up

14. Capillary: any of the fire branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules

15. Proboscis: the nose of a mammal, especially when it is long and mobile , such as the trunk of an elephant or the snout of a tapir

Thursday, September 29, 2016


My mom, dad, sister, my teachers, and friends all support me by not judging me and how I act. However, when I'm with my family and we are in stores shopping or at a restaurant, I have to act proper and quiet so I won't cause any disturbances.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


My impression of the incident was why did they stop him when all he was doing was just going for a walk? He said he does it all the time and has never met anyone on the walk.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mistakes for President

I watched all of the debate and honestly both were so unprofessional. They kept interrupting each other and going off topic. Some logical fallacies I noticed were Donald Trump brought up Hilary's email scandal and she brought up  how he hasn't released his tax returns because he's either not as rich as he says he is or hasn't paid any federal income tax at all. Other fallacies I noticed were how Donald Trump often blames Hilary and Obama for everything and says Hilary's husband Bill Clinton did a horrible job at raising manufacturing jobs in the 90s and Hilary responded by saying that's his opinion.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Sometimes I think about something and it goes off in a spiral of other thoughts that end up right back where I started.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Pedestrian

My reaction to this story is the main character might meet someone on his walk. Also, the story is very detailed.

Monday, September 19, 2016


1. There was intermittent coldness this year .

2. His happiness has ebbed.

3. Our family desperately wanted to regress to the old days.

4. She had a tendency to roll her eyes.

5. The Doctor cleaned the wound with Anti- Septic.


1. Intermittent: occurring at irregular intervals; not steady or continuous

2. Ebb: (emotion or quality) gradually lessen or reduce

3. Regress: return to a former or less developed state

4. Tendency: an urge toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior

5. Antiseptic: relating to it denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease causing micro organisms

Monday, September 12, 2016


On the essay I got C- which I think is fine I have no complaints whatsoever. On other quizzes I've gotten fairly good grades and I've kept up with my blog so far so I think I should get at least a B- for this grading period.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Vocabulary list #3

1. Coherent: logical and consistent
2. Belabor: argue or elaborate in detail
3. Eschew: deliberately avoid using; abstain from
4. Acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money or material things
5. Emulate: match or surpass a person
6. Banal: so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
7. Excoriation: harsh criticism
8. Congeal: solidify, especially by cooling
9. Carping: difficult to please; ciritical
10. Substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of
11.Temporize: avoid making a decision
12. Largesse: genorosity in bewstowing money or gifts upon others
13. Tenable: able to be maintained or defended against attack
14. Insatiable: (appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy
15. Reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy
16. Germane: relevant to a subject under consideration
17. Ramify: form branches, spread out
18. Intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change ones views, or to agree to something
19. Taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative in speech, saying little

Friday, September 2, 2016

Literature Analysis #1

1. A boy named Brian Robeson, is stranded in the Canadian wilderness for 54 days.
2. The theme is man versus nature and man versus himself. Brian is surrounded by nature and must overcome the obstacles the wilderness brings, and Brian versus himself because he's trying to come to terms with his parents divorce and the secret he knows behind the divorce.
3. I imagine the author being very outdoorsy, and knows a lot about trying to survive  in the wilderness. I think he drinks coffee and has eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast. He may have an occasional drink but never gets drunk to the point where he wakes up hungover. He exercises a lot and goes for runs in the forest, and he also knows a lot about nature. 1st excerpt: "L- shaped with rounded corners, and the plane was nearly aimed at the long part of the L, coming from the bottom and heading to the top."  2nd excerpt: "And in his belt, somewhere still there, the hatchet his mother had given him." 3rd excerpt: " Maybe cover it with grass or leaves or sticks he thought, and he started to go down to the lake again where there were some willows he could cut down for braces.
4. Literary techniques: 1. Onomatopoeia: "For a second all he heard was the whosssh of the empty air waves." 2. Simile: "The memory was like a knife cutting into him." 3. "But the hatchet missed, sailed into the wall where it hit the rocks with a shower of sparks, and his leg was instantly torn with pain, as if a hundred needles had been driven into it." 4. Foreshadowing: "Aches and pains- must be getting old." 5. Simile: "It was as if his hands were lead."

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Vocabulary list #2 sentences

1. I had complete faith that my friend would show up to the meeting.

2. The bride was carried across the threshold by the groom.

3. Bill thought he would tarry a but before meeting Virginia.

4. To resolve my friend's arguement I had them speak to each other.

5. He can't discern any difference in your attitude.

6. There was a whole community of martyrs killed last night.

7. My friend's body was shaking in mirth.

8. Don't forget to practice your catechism.

9. Mrs Barns is a very pious woman.

10. I was in a frenzy over my missing phone.

Vocabulary list #2

Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something
Threshold: wood at the bottom of a doorway and is crossed upon entering a room or house
Tarry: stay longer than intended to
Resolve: find a solution or settle a problem
Discern: recognize something
Martyr: a person who is killed because of their religious beliefs
Mirth: expressed in laughter ; amusement
Catechism: principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers
Pious: very religious person
Frenzy: uncontrolled, wild behavior for a period of time

Sunday, August 28, 2016


1. I think his purpose of writing this story was to show us how easily someone as "innocent" as Goodman Brown could be persuaded into going to the meeting.
2. Faiths name sort of fits her personality.
3. The ribbons signify her innocence in this story and are a constant reminder of Goodman Brown's faith.
4. Well throughout the story, he says things that suggest he may not really be experiencing everything that's happening. Towards he end of the story he is alone in the forest which some would say he dreamed the whole things and sleep walked to the forest. However, his travelling companion is revealed to be the devils do you can imagine he can do some "magic" and leave Goodman Brown to wonder whether everything was real or not, ruining his life because he can't trust anyone in the village.
5. I think the old man is the devil because when they were in the forest, Goody Cloyse greets him as the devil mentioning they are old pals.
6. The staff represents Goodman Brown moving onward but towards evil .
7. If Goodman Brown stayed home he would have a normal life, but he would still be deceived by everyone.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Response to Young Goodman Brown

I think Young Goodman Brown should have stayed home like Faith wanted him too, but he was set on going into the forest to the meeting. His travelling companion asked him multiple times if he wanted to use his serpent shaped staff but Goodman Brown refused however, he accepted it later on. This was like when the serpent offered Eve a piece of fruit from the forbidden tree and in both Goodman Brown's and Eve's case it lead them to their downfall.

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Conscience of the Hacker

What the person in The Conscience of the Hacker was trying to do was prove a point, that schools don't teach the things you want to learn it's all repetitive to him, and hacking interested him because it was something new. He also wanted to make clear not all hackers are criminals ,they are just doing what interests them. The tone of the essay was serious and spiteful because he wasn't joking around about the issues he discussed and he wasn't happy about the accusations that he was a criminal.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

My Question

What really happens to us when we die? Is heaven real ?


  • The language in Earth in Turtle's Back is from a long time ago but those are the words we use today too 
  • Today people use a lot of  slang, unlike in Earth on Turtle's Back 
  • Its important to say it word for word because parts  get changed  which gives the story a whole other meaning 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Notes from this week

Theme: the central message of a story

Tone : the author's attitude towards the
 character, topic, and audience

Mood: the reader's emotion

Tone for Richard cory: serious

Syllogism: simplest form of a logical argument

Truth: is that which can be factually verified in the world

Validity: is a test of reason, way to test reason is  does my conclusion follow my premise

Diction: is the word choice an author uses to tell a story

Syntax: the way the author organizes the words together

The right to your opinion: argument are the search for truth

The difference between hearing and listening is thinking.
Transmitter -------------» Reciever
                (noise)  Message  (noise )
The medium is the message .

[5%] Verbal
           Para verbal (quality of the voice)
            Non verbal ( the body language)
               = 100%


1. The difference between the language used in The Earth on Turtle's  Back it's more serious than how I would speak in everyday conversations.

2. It's important for the story to be repeated exactly how it was because if someone decides to retell it from an altered version then, it will have lost its original meaning.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Response to The Earth on Turtle's Back

I have read many versions on how the Earth came to be but I have never heard about this one. I think this one is my favorite because all the animals volunteered to help out the Woman from the Sky. Even though all of them failed, except the muskrat it was nice of them to try.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Response to The Right To Your Opinion

My response to The Right to Your Opinion is of course everyone is entitled to their opinion ,even if other people disagree with them.

Response to Richard Cory

In the beginning, Richard Cory seems to have it all according to everyone. However, we never get an insight on Richard Cory's life.

Welcome message

Hi welcome to my blog hope you enjoy !