Sunday, August 28, 2016


1. I think his purpose of writing this story was to show us how easily someone as "innocent" as Goodman Brown could be persuaded into going to the meeting.
2. Faiths name sort of fits her personality.
3. The ribbons signify her innocence in this story and are a constant reminder of Goodman Brown's faith.
4. Well throughout the story, he says things that suggest he may not really be experiencing everything that's happening. Towards he end of the story he is alone in the forest which some would say he dreamed the whole things and sleep walked to the forest. However, his travelling companion is revealed to be the devils do you can imagine he can do some "magic" and leave Goodman Brown to wonder whether everything was real or not, ruining his life because he can't trust anyone in the village.
5. I think the old man is the devil because when they were in the forest, Goody Cloyse greets him as the devil mentioning they are old pals.
6. The staff represents Goodman Brown moving onward but towards evil .
7. If Goodman Brown stayed home he would have a normal life, but he would still be deceived by everyone.

1 comment:

  1. #4 Toward *the end of the story.....

    #4 * can you imagine the devil doing magic
