Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Masterpiece Academy presentation notes

Sokartis: How to come up with and start a business.
He talked to his uncle about starting a business because his uncle owns 3 burger shops. His uncle said that he went to college to gain the knowledge he needed and dropped out and started his business. Sokartis is tied between starting a business on burgers or video games.

Michelle: why do people still judge in today's society?
Serotonin - we are junkies for the happy chemicals, they makes us feel happy and worthy. We judge others because we either don't know them too well yet, or we don't agree with their beliefs. If we learn to love ourselves maybe we won't judge others.

Friday, May 5, 2017


I am looking more into people's perspectives about the Afterlife and whether it exists or not.

There are scientists researching this topic as well.

I will be sharing the research people have found on the afterlife.

Sunday, April 30, 2017



                Dr. Preston's tone in his post titled, "We eat social media for breakfast," is surprised. The first sentence is, " This weekend I did something I swore I would never do." Dr. Preston finds himself taking pictures of his breakfast, and sending them to someone. His diction and syntax, is not exactly straight to the point, but instead he goes into further detail of the reason behind his action. Dr. Preston goes on to say that you need the right tool for the right job, and his use of rhetorical questions, attract the reader's attention. He also mentions that the Internet is not just a tool, it is the way we communicate. Dr. Preston explains that he thought about all of this before he texted pictures of his breakfast. The reason Dr. Preston texted pictures of his breakfast was because he missed someone, that someone being his daughter, and he wished he was having breakfast with her at that moment. He shares with us his views, on how pictures are different from when he was a kid. Back then, pictures were expensive and rare, but now we have them at our fingertips. Our pictures depict our lives, and how we live them, " Our pictures create impressions; others who view our lives online come to "know" our identities through our photo streams." Ultimately, the message Dr. Preston is trying to get us to understand, is to consider what tools we will need for our job, in order to be successful at sharing our stories. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


1. My Big Question is, Is there an Afterlife?

2. The one thing I did over spring break to explore my topic is: I looked up stories about people who claim they've been to Heaven.

3. One thing I learned by exploring over the break was about a Neurosurgeon who was skeptical about near-death experiences, until he had one when he went into a coma.

4. One connection between my topic and something we've read is Young Goodman Brown when he questions whether Heaven is real or not, just like some of us.

5. What I'm doing next is, I will be continuing my research on the afterlife.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Resources for my Masterpiece Academy

1. Live Science: What Happens when you Die? Near death experiences

2. Proof of Heaven: A Doctor's Experience with the Afterlife by Dr. Eben Alexander A Neurosurgeon's story of his experience with the Afterlife after being in a coma for 7 days.

3. Near-Death Experiences: Glimpses of the Afterlife. Explaining some different views on the Afterlife

4. 'I crossed over': Survivors of near-death experiences share 'afterlife' stories. Some stories of people with illnesses and having been cured by their near death experience.

5. Heaven or Hallucination: Are near-death experiences proof of the Afterlife? Near death experiences and debunking Dr. Eben Alexander's near death experience.

Masterpiece Academy Topic

My topic is on the afterlife and whether it is real or not.

Spring Break post 3

I went to Moss Landing and Gilroy, it was fun.