Monday, January 30, 2017

Great Gatsby Notes 2

Quote in the beginning of the paragraph: epigraph

Tom is open about having mistresses

Nick meets Tom's mistress

Mr. Wilson: pale, faintly handsome, blonde

Mrs. Wilson: thick and in her 30s, lively
 Tom is an alcoholic and unhappy

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Great Gatsby Remix

The narrator Nick is telling us about his neighbor Gatsby, then he goes to Daisy and Tom's house for dinner and meets this lady named Jordan Baker and over dinner Nick finds out that Tom is racist and that he's having an affair on Daisy. Daisy talks to Nick outside and she tells him that Tom abandoned her when she was pregnant and that he's cheating on her. Nick goes home and see his neighbor Gatsby outside and tries to speak to him but gets the feeling that  Gatsby wants to be alone so he doesn't, but he notices that Gatsby is staring at this green light.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Everything is a remix

Anything can be remixed

Remix: something that is already created but you add your own twist to it while still being able to see parts of the original

Ideas contain ideas

Thursday, January 12, 2017


I believe that music can be considered literature because when you hear it, you not only feel a certain way but you come up with an image based on what the song is describing, the same way you do with a book or poem.