Thursday, September 29, 2016


My mom, dad, sister, my teachers, and friends all support me by not judging me and how I act. However, when I'm with my family and we are in stores shopping or at a restaurant, I have to act proper and quiet so I won't cause any disturbances.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


My impression of the incident was why did they stop him when all he was doing was just going for a walk? He said he does it all the time and has never met anyone on the walk.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mistakes for President

I watched all of the debate and honestly both were so unprofessional. They kept interrupting each other and going off topic. Some logical fallacies I noticed were Donald Trump brought up Hilary's email scandal and she brought up  how he hasn't released his tax returns because he's either not as rich as he says he is or hasn't paid any federal income tax at all. Other fallacies I noticed were how Donald Trump often blames Hilary and Obama for everything and says Hilary's husband Bill Clinton did a horrible job at raising manufacturing jobs in the 90s and Hilary responded by saying that's his opinion.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Sometimes I think about something and it goes off in a spiral of other thoughts that end up right back where I started.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Pedestrian

My reaction to this story is the main character might meet someone on his walk. Also, the story is very detailed.

Monday, September 19, 2016


1. There was intermittent coldness this year .

2. His happiness has ebbed.

3. Our family desperately wanted to regress to the old days.

4. She had a tendency to roll her eyes.

5. The Doctor cleaned the wound with Anti- Septic.


1. Intermittent: occurring at irregular intervals; not steady or continuous

2. Ebb: (emotion or quality) gradually lessen or reduce

3. Regress: return to a former or less developed state

4. Tendency: an urge toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior

5. Antiseptic: relating to it denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease causing micro organisms

Monday, September 12, 2016


On the essay I got C- which I think is fine I have no complaints whatsoever. On other quizzes I've gotten fairly good grades and I've kept up with my blog so far so I think I should get at least a B- for this grading period.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Vocabulary list #3

1. Coherent: logical and consistent
2. Belabor: argue or elaborate in detail
3. Eschew: deliberately avoid using; abstain from
4. Acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money or material things
5. Emulate: match or surpass a person
6. Banal: so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
7. Excoriation: harsh criticism
8. Congeal: solidify, especially by cooling
9. Carping: difficult to please; ciritical
10. Substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of
11.Temporize: avoid making a decision
12. Largesse: genorosity in bewstowing money or gifts upon others
13. Tenable: able to be maintained or defended against attack
14. Insatiable: (appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy
15. Reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy
16. Germane: relevant to a subject under consideration
17. Ramify: form branches, spread out
18. Intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change ones views, or to agree to something
19. Taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative in speech, saying little

Friday, September 2, 2016

Literature Analysis #1

1. A boy named Brian Robeson, is stranded in the Canadian wilderness for 54 days.
2. The theme is man versus nature and man versus himself. Brian is surrounded by nature and must overcome the obstacles the wilderness brings, and Brian versus himself because he's trying to come to terms with his parents divorce and the secret he knows behind the divorce.
3. I imagine the author being very outdoorsy, and knows a lot about trying to survive  in the wilderness. I think he drinks coffee and has eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast. He may have an occasional drink but never gets drunk to the point where he wakes up hungover. He exercises a lot and goes for runs in the forest, and he also knows a lot about nature. 1st excerpt: "L- shaped with rounded corners, and the plane was nearly aimed at the long part of the L, coming from the bottom and heading to the top."  2nd excerpt: "And in his belt, somewhere still there, the hatchet his mother had given him." 3rd excerpt: " Maybe cover it with grass or leaves or sticks he thought, and he started to go down to the lake again where there were some willows he could cut down for braces.
4. Literary techniques: 1. Onomatopoeia: "For a second all he heard was the whosssh of the empty air waves." 2. Simile: "The memory was like a knife cutting into him." 3. "But the hatchet missed, sailed into the wall where it hit the rocks with a shower of sparks, and his leg was instantly torn with pain, as if a hundred needles had been driven into it." 4. Foreshadowing: "Aches and pains- must be getting old." 5. Simile: "It was as if his hands were lead."

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Vocabulary list #2 sentences

1. I had complete faith that my friend would show up to the meeting.

2. The bride was carried across the threshold by the groom.

3. Bill thought he would tarry a but before meeting Virginia.

4. To resolve my friend's arguement I had them speak to each other.

5. He can't discern any difference in your attitude.

6. There was a whole community of martyrs killed last night.

7. My friend's body was shaking in mirth.

8. Don't forget to practice your catechism.

9. Mrs Barns is a very pious woman.

10. I was in a frenzy over my missing phone.

Vocabulary list #2

Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something
Threshold: wood at the bottom of a doorway and is crossed upon entering a room or house
Tarry: stay longer than intended to
Resolve: find a solution or settle a problem
Discern: recognize something
Martyr: a person who is killed because of their religious beliefs
Mirth: expressed in laughter ; amusement
Catechism: principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers
Pious: very religious person
Frenzy: uncontrolled, wild behavior for a period of time